Food and Braces: Do’s and Don’ts From Your Cary Orthodontist
If you’re reading this, you may be having issues with your dental braces, and you have no idea what the cause could be. You might be doubting the quality of your braces or the efficiency of your orthodontist, but have you tried reflecting on the types of food you eat?
Your smile is important, and you need your braces to straighten your teeth without the hassle that jammed bits of nuts or candy can cause. In fact, there are a few foods you might need to stay away from to make sure they don’t get stuck between the wires of your braces and your teeth.
Some people refuse to straighten their teeth because they assume dealing with an orthodontic appliance will make life complicated or irritating. That’s why your #1 Cary orthodontist has compiled a list of do’s and don’t for you to keep in mind so that your time using braces is stress-free.
What Are Teeth Braces?
Teeth braces are a type of orthodontic appliance that is used to treat many dental issues, such as crowding, tooth misalignment, and crooked teeth. These types of dental conditions are collectively known as malocclusions. The most common cause of a malocclusion is crooked teeth, which is caused by a condition called micrognathia. Micrognathia is a defect, usually found in babies, that leads to underdeveloped jaws later in life.
These dental complications, if not properly treated, can affect your overall dental health and extend the amount of time you spend on orthodontic treatments in the future. That’s why it’s so important to get teeth braces as soon as possible if your orthodontist recommends them.
What Can You Eat With Traditional Braces in Cary, NC?
Taking care of your braces should be your priority when you have them. It’s not only important to know how to brush and floss with your braces, but it’s also just as important to eat the right foods. Traditional braces are made with wires and brackets, making it important to choose what you eat with care. Eating the right foods will ensure your braces don’t trap food between your teeth and the wires.
Here are some foods you can easily eat with your braces:
When you have braces, you want to make sure you eat soft foods that also contain the nutrients you need. Milk, yogurt, soft cheese, and other dairy products are perfect food choices for just about any orthodontic appliance.
Oats, wheat, rice, noodles, and pasta are also safe options that you can eat with your braces. Since they are soft and easy to chew–especially when they are cooked–it won’t be a hassle to clean your braces after your meal.
You can have most types of bread while wearing an orthodontic appliance, as long as you choose the softer options since they are easier to chew. Extra crispy toast, however, should be avoided since it is much tougher on the teeth.
Any type of protein can be eaten with braces as long as it is properly cooked. Eggs, fish, meat, dairy products, and legumes are all excellent choices that won’t easily wedge themselves between wires.
Fruits and Vegetables
Aside from being an essential part of your nutritional diet, fruits and vegetables are also great choices for your braces and your oral health. As long as they aren’t coated in sticky, caramelized sugar, you can have them as much as you want.
Seafood is another great choice to include in your diet with braces. Prawns, salmon, oysters, and crab legs can all be added to the menu. They have the necessary nutrients you need, are full of protein, and won’t damage your braces. However, it’s recommended that you avoid using your teeth as tools to open shells.
What Can You Not Eat With Metal Braces?
Wearing metal braces restricts you from eating some things you normally would. Giving it all up temporarily might be difficult at first, but it will help you in the long run. Eating certain foods and snacks too much may cause your braces to break or twist. If this happens, your Cary Orthodontist will have to fix them or may even need to remove them completely to get them to the shape they need to be in for your teeth.
Here is a list of foods you should stay away from when you have braces:
Hard Candy
Candy doesn’t have to be completely avoided when you have braces. You can eat candy, but you need to eat it in moderation because of its high sugar content. However, hard candy in particular is a no-go because it can easily damage braces. If you’re really craving sweets, make sure you choose soft candies.
Peanuts, cashews, almonds; the list can go on–they need to be avoided at all costs when you have braces. Because they are hard and crunchy, nuts will do as much damage as hard candies will to your braces. It’s best to stay away from them completely because they can also get stuck in the wires.
Pizza Crusts
Tough pizza crusts will harm your braces. Pieces of crust can get stuck between your teeth, the wires, and the brackets over time. You may feel tempted to get the pieces out yourself, but this will only cause further damage to the braces, and the wires or brackets will eventually break.
Sticky Candy
Hard candy isn’t the only type of candy you should stay away from. You also need to avoid sticky or chewy candy. Sticky candy will get caught in any space between your teeth and can cause mild or severe damage to your braces.
Can You Chew Gum With Braces?
It’s never a good idea to chew gum with your braces. It will stick to the wires and brackets of your braces and can cause them to bend. This will keep them from properly straightening your teeth.
Schedule an Appointment to Get Invisalign or Traditional Braces in Cary, NC
It’s important to note that traditional braces aren’t the only option you can choose at Bernstein Orthodontics. Our patients can also choose to straighten their teeth with Invisalign.
Invisalign is made with a series of custom-made, clear trays that don’t use any metal. They are made from BPA-free plastic and work just as well as traditional braces. With these clear aligners, you can get beautifully aligned teeth in half the time it would take with traditional braces. They are also subtle and removable, which makes cleaning and eating a breeze.
A beautiful smile is a confidence booster, and braces are a guaranteed way to get you closer to your smile goals. With patience and discipline, you can have the straight smile you’ve always wanted.
Bernstein Orthodontics provides patients with quality dental braces in Cary, NC. If you have issues with your teeth braces, you can consult our orthodontics team for advice or help. You can also contact us to book an appointment for your orthodontic treatment.